Blood that comes out during menstruation is often considered dirty blood by the public. In addition, dirty blood is often associated as a cause of ulcers and acne. Actually, these conditions are not related to dirty blood. In contrast to the assumption of dirty blood in the community, medically called dirty blood is blood that contains metabolic waste products from body tissues, one of which is carbon dioxide. Clean blood contains high oxygen, while dirty blood no longer contains oxygen (deoxygenated blood). The blood flows from the entire body to the heart, and from the heart to the lungs to obtain oxygen. Then, again flowed to the heart and throughout the body. Interference with this process is generally related to heart abnormalities. Medical Conditions Attributed to Dirty Blood There is no medical evidence which states that dirty blood causes various health problems. The following are health conditions that are often killed with dirty blood: Menstruation Women who are m...