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How to Educate Children to Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy life can be started from a diet that is formed from daily habits. Then, how to educate children to want to implement healthy eating habits? The disease often starts from bad habits, including unhealthy eating patterns. Familiarize children recognize the types of food is one way to educate children to want to eat healthy foods.

Teach Children Healthy Foods

Eating a variety of food groups is the key for a child's body to get complete nutrition. Choosing to eat certain types of food and rejecting other foods risks making the child's body lack nutrition. At mealtime, teach children to understand the benefits of each type of food at the dinner table. Although he may not necessarily listen, but that does not mean your explanation in vain. Make sure, children know that the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables play a role in maintaining healthy skin. You can also emphasize to him that healthy food plays an important role in making the body taller and more agile when on the move. Give children the understanding to reduce foods and drinks that are high in salt or sugar, such as fried foods, salty chips, cakes, and soft drinks. Explain what is bad for health.

How to Educate Children to Eat Healthy Foods

In addition, there are several ways to educate children to get used to eating healthy foods, including:
  • Avoid commenting on children's food choices

  • Scolding children who consume high-fat and unhealthy foods, such as fried foods, will only make them more curious and tempted by these foods. Instead of busy banning children from consuming certain foods, it is better to focus on efforts to make children love the healthy foods they need to consume, such as vegetables and fruit, skinless poultry (chicken, duck), fish, low-fat dairy products, meat nonfat, or whole grain bread (whole wheat).
  • Adjust your needs and prevent obesity

  • Seeing children eating a lot of food is fun, but do not forget to be aware of being overweight in children. Make sure the intake of food consumed by children is sufficient for their daily calorie needs. Generally, children and adolescents need 1600-2800 calories per day, depending on gender, age, and type of activity. So that children do not have excess calories, you can start by limiting children's eating portions. If your child's weight is above normal, limiting the portion of food can be started with simple ways, such as asking him to eat using a smaller plate, spoon, or bowl.
  • Enjoying food

  • Avoid feeding children while walking, because of the risk of causing stomach pain and food that is not digested properly. Conversely, eating slowly and calmly can provide benefits for children's health. Children become more enjoy their food and consume food in moderation.
  • Encourage children to cook together

  • Not only eating food, children can also be involved in preparing and cooking in the kitchen. To attract his interest, invite your child to shop healthy food ingredients and choose the type of healthy food that you specify. At home, ask him to wash fruits and vegetables, wash hands, and help prepare lunch in his lunch box. Give praise if your child can do all the work well.
  • Invite to eat with family

  • Make dinner with family a habit. Inviting children to eat with family makes children eat more healthy foods. As a parent, you need to be a role model so that children want to get used to eating healthy. In addition, creating a pleasant atmosphere at the dinner table makes children feel at home with family.
Keep in mind, the best way to educate children to get used to eating healthy foods can be started from small things, for example by giving an example first to children eating healthy foods. In addition, make it a habit to choose food ingredients carefully and read the nutrition labels on food packaging. No less important, it's good to consult a nutrition specialist or pediatrician, if you want to implement a program to reduce or increase the child's weight.


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